Thursday, April 27, 2006

Hmm...Who would have thought?

Cacophobia- The Fear of ugliness

There is a little useless information to get this post going. I was just browsing and found that so I figured that the general public aught to know about it. Information is the key to success after all...

I think I used to suffer from mottephobia. It is apparently the fear of moths. They used to really freak me out. Especially when they flew near my head! But strangely enough, not any more.

So today was not really worth writing about. I just got up, was in a bad mood all day and did a lot of shopping. I'm off to do fieldwork tomorrow so I had to go off and get myself food and stuff. I'll be back on Monday evening, so unfortunately for those that hang on my every word (because I just know that there are thousands of you out there that do!) I'll not be able to update until Monday evening. I even doubt that I will update then. I'll probably be way too tired for that.

I took my sisters shopping for a birthday present for a friend of theirs today. While we were at the music store I found the soundtrack to the movie 'Whalerider'. I really wanted to buy it but it was going for R280! So, I will just have to sit back and wish that I had it until I become fabulously rich and decide to squander my wealth on CD's.

I'm feeling rather uninspired for todays post so I think I shall sign off here. Here is a photo for y'all:

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